Please read the following terms and conditions that form part of your agreement with Careers Day Out that exhibitors agree to these terms:
The term ‘Exhibitor’ is defined by the person or business which intends to or has booked in to exhibit, attend, sponsor, or to be involved in the Careers Day Out event.
The Exhibitor has agreed to attend the “Careers Day Out event” and to display relevant merchandise in the designated site during operating times specified by the organiser. If this requirement is not met, the organisers have the right to refuse applications from such exhibitors at future exhibitions.
Stands must not be dismantled before the conclusion of the event. Failure to do this will result in your business being excluded from future events.
Except as stated herein, the organisers make no representations, conditions or warranties in relation to the event. Under no circumstance shall the organisers be liable in contract for any indirect, special or consequential damages caused by or arising out of the exhibition or cancellation of the event, and the exhibitor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the organisers against all costs, damages, claims or proceedings whatsoever in respect thereof.
The exhibitor will be liable for any damage to walls, floors or equipment of the building the exhibition is being held or any of the organisers’ material or equipment.
The organisers shall not be under any responsibility or liability whatsoever for damages to exhibits by loss, damage, fire, water, storms, strikes, riots or any other cause whatsoever.
The exhibitor shall pay the sum specified by the organisers to occupy the site during the term of the event. It is essential the balance be paid in full to the organisers prior to the exhibition or attendance will not be permitted.
In the event that the organisers have to cancel, the organisers reserve the right to postpone or amend the stated dates of this event (the organisers will give no less than 14 days’ notice of any such postponement).
In the event that the exhibitor has to cancel, then the $XX is forfeited. If a cancellation is within 30 business days prior to the event date, then the full exhibitor’s fee will not be refunded.
The organisers reserve the right in unforeseen circumstances to re-allocate the space or the location of an exhibitor’s stand, and the exhibitor can take no objection or make any claims for compensation or damages in relation to any allocation of the size or the space re-allocated by the organisers. The exhibitor shall not assign or sublet any part of the stand space without the consent of the organisers.
The Exhibitor is responsible to ensure all power boards, power cords, power extension cords, and power extension boards have been tested and tagged by a qualified electrician. All electrical equipment used must have been tested and tagged within six months of use. Double adapters and 3-pin adapters (piggyback) are not to be used. No power generators can be used on site during the event. Organisers have the right to remove this from an exhibitor’s stand.
If payment is not made in full within four weeks of the event date, the stands will automatically be cancelled. Any amounts paid to Careers Day Out are non-refundable.
The Exhibitor shall not extend its display beyond the boundaries of the site. This includes vehicles, signage, and any other exhibitor items.
The Exhibitor shall not drive any vehicles onsite during bump-in, event times, or bump-out. All items must be trolleyed or carried to their site. Vehicles are not permitted in the Pavilion or on the grass which isn't a static display. Onsite vehicles as part of site displays must be detailed in the risk assessment.
The Exhibitor agrees that any staff member at the event will have a valid Working With Children’s Check.
Careers Day Out reserves the right to change these terms at any time without notice.